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Dynamic Content

Dynamic content functionality facilitates automatic adjustments of webpage. It is a specialized method for delivering personalized content to effectively engage leads based on demographic and behavioral attributes. Utilize Camp's Dynamic Content feature in emails/landing page to engage contacts with tailored content relevant to their age group. This feature allows sending personalized content to various age groups within a single email template in a campaign, eliminating the need for multiple templates and campaigns.

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Create dynamic content

Step1- Click on content:

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Step1- Click on dynamic content:

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Step2- Click on new:

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Step3- Fill the information:

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Step4- Click on save and close.

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The dynamic content is visually depicted as..

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Use dynamic content in landing page

Step1- Click on landing page:

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Step2- Click on new:

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Step3- Fill the information:

  1. Title
  2. Alias
  3. Category
  4. Language
  5. Is a translation of
  6. Published

Only Title is a required field. All other information is optional.

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Step4- Click on builder:

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Step5- Click on merge (Select the desired dynamic content from the available options.):

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Step6- Click on apply (Create your preferred landing page, and when you're done, click on the "Apply" button to save and implement the changes.):

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NOTE: On a website's landing page, dynamic content is like a magic trick. It looks at your computer's IP address, which is like your online location, and then changes the page to show you stuff that's more about where you are. So, it's like having a webpage that knows where you're from and adjusts what it shows you to be more interesting and helpful based on that.