Forms within the marketing automation system serve as a specialized tool for gathering user information, typically exchanged for access to downloads, event registrations, or email newsletters. They facilitate the collection of contact data and enable the augmentation of user profiles with supplementary information.
Create a new form
Step1- Click on forms:
Step2- Click on new tab:
Step3- Fill the information in the detail tab:
Note: When setting up the "Successful Submit Action" for a form, you have three options: "Remain at Form," "Redirect URL," and "Display Message."
Remain at Form: Keeps users on the current form after successful submission, allowing further interaction.
Redirect URL: Redirects users to a specified URL post-submission. It's mandatory to provide a destination URL i.e. "Redirect URL/Message".
Display Message: Shows a custom message on the form after submission. Even with this option, you still need to choose a "Redirect URL/Message" for users to navigate after viewing the message.
Step4- Fill the information in the field tab:
Illustrate the process by adding a checkbox as an example.
- Navigate to the 'Field' tab, select a field from the dropdown menu (e.g., checkbox) as demonstrated in the provided example.
Initiate, the process by entering a label.
Then, proceed to configure additional properties.
Then, click on add.
Step5- Fill the information in the action tab
- Navigate to the 'Action' tab, select a field from the dropdown menu (e.g., download an assets) as demonstrated in the provided example.
Click on add.
Step6- Click on save and close.
The new form is created.
Clone forms
To duplicate forms, select the corresponding desired form, click on 'Clone' icon. This action redirects to the edit page, facilitating the creation of a clone for the selected form.
Preview forms
To preview forms, select the desired form, Click on 'Preview' icon. This action will display a preview of the selected form.
The form will redirect to this link.
Delete forms
To delete forms, Select the checkbox corresponding to the desired form, at the top choose the main dropdown menu to select 'Delete Selected'.
Rebuild cache
Use this feature when making changes to a form, like adding a new field. It generates updated HTML for the form, ensuring that the configuration changes are accurately reflected in the HTML output. This maintains consistency between form modifications and their representation in HTML.(This is for automatic script only. Other wise if you have chosen to insert the manual HTML then the code has to be inserted again.)
Form results
The results encompass the following details pertaining to the forms:
- Submission ID
- Contact ID
- Date Submitted
- IP Address
- Name
- Description
To access the results page, follow these steps:
- Select 'View Results' located next to the respective forms to access the results page.
An alternative method to access the results page:
- Select the checkbox corresponding to the desired forms for which results need to be displayed.
- Click the dropdown arrow and choose the 'Results' tab from the available options.
- The results page will be promptly displayed.
Delete Results
Select the checkbox corresponding to the desired form, then choose the 'Result' icon.
Choose the topmost checkbox to select the entire list of results, then navigate to the dropdown menu and select the 'Delete Selected ' option to remove the selected results.
Edit forms
Assets can be edited through two methods:
- First method – Select the 'edit' icon associated with the forms. This action will redirect to the edit page.
- Second method – Open the details section of the forms by clicking on the specific form that requires editing, then utilize the 'Edit' button to make the necessary modifications.
It's really simple to place a form inside a Camp landing page: just use the merge option in the editor to select the form! But if you want to place the form in your website, use one of the other two options below. The code under these options will have to be copied and pasted inside the code of your webpage.
- Automatic
- Manual Copy
- Automatic-With this option, Camp will automatically generate the form where you include this code and thus it will always be the most up-to-date version.
- Manual Copy-This option requires you to manually update the HTML if you make any changes to the form from within Camp. But, it gives you flexibility to edit the code and/or not rely on Camp to serve up the form.
Export form results
In the results page, users have the option to export the form data with the following available formats:
- Export to CSV
- Export to Excel
- Export to HTML
Published and unpublished form
- Published Form: This status signifies that the form has been deployed on websites or landing pages to collect user information. Published forms are identified by a green symbol.
- Unpublished Form: This status denotes that the form is either under development and not yet deployed, or it has exceeded its designated usage duration. Unpublished forms are identified by a red signal.