Points Action
In lead profiling, a "point action" signifies a quantifiable interaction, such as website visits, content downloads, or email clicks. This action will then strategically assign varying point values to different stages, effectively enabling the assessment of a lead's behaviours and interests within the prospecting process.
How to add Points
Steps-1 Click on lead profiling:
Steps-2 Click on point actions:
Steps-3 Click on new:
Steps-4 Fill the information:
Steps-5 Click on save & close:
How to delete a point
To delete an individual point, please adhere to the following straightforward procedure:
- Navigate to the point screen.
- Locate and select the point that you wish to delete.
- Access the main drop-down menu and opt for the "Delete Selected" option, as illustrated in the provided image.
- The chosen point will be permanently removed from the system.
Edit points
To modify points information within the system, please follow these steps:
- Navigate to the point screen.
- Locate and select the 'Edit' icon option from the desired point.
- This action will open the Edit Point Action Details page.
- Make the desired changes and save by clicking 'Save and Close'.
Clone point
To clone a point, please follow these steps:
- Navigate to the point screen.
- Locate and select the 'Clone' icon option from the desired point.
- This action will initiate the point cloning process.