Points Triggers
Point triggers in lead profiling are like score milestones; when a lead reaches a certain number of points based on their actions (like clicking emails or visiting the website), it signals that they're showing strong interest and might be ready for more focused engagement.
For example: When a particular contact accumulates a minimum threshold of points, such as 50, it becomes eligible for progression to the subsequent stage, and this transition can be automatically triggered by setting up point triggers.
Add new Point Triggers
Steps-1 Click on lead profiling:
Steps-2 Click on point triggers:
Steps-3 Click on new:
Steps-4 Fill the information (Details as well as Events):
Steps-5 Add the event in the events tab that needs to be triggered when the condition of minimum number of points has been met.
Steps-6 Click on save & close:
How to delete a point triggers
- Navigate to the point triggers screen.
- Locate and select the small checkbox adjacent to the point trigger that you wish to delete.
- Access the main drop-down menu and opt for the "Delete Selected" option, as illustrated in the provided image.
- The chosen point trigger will be permanently removed from the system.
Edit point trigger
To modify point trigger information within the system, please follow these steps:
- Navigate to the point triggers screen.
- Locate and select the 'Edit' icon option from the desired point trigger.
- This action will open the Edit Point Trigger Action Details page.
- Make the desired changes and save by clicking 'Save and Close'.
Clone point trigger
To clone a point trigger, please follow these steps:
- Navigate to the point trigger screen.
- Locate and select the 'Clone' icon option from the desired point.
- This action will initiate the point cloning process.