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Lead profiling involves compiling detailed profiles of potential sales leads, incorporating demographic, firmographic, behavioral, and purchasing data, enabling sales and marketing teams to customize strategies for effective customer engagement, ultimately enhancing conversion rates and optimizing overall sales and marketing efficiency.


In lead profiling, a "stage" typically represents the specific phase of the buyer's journey that a potential customer is currently in, such as uncategorized, sale , event campaign,etc.

Create a new Stage

Steps-1 Click on lead profiling:

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Steps-2 Click on stages:

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Steps-3 Click on new:

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Steps-4 Fill the information (Select category from dropdown option):

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Steps-5 Click on save & close:

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Delete a stage

To delete an individual stage, please adhere to the following straightforward procedure:

  1. Navigate to the stage screen.
  2. Locate and select the corresponding stage intended that you wish to delete.
  3. Access the main drop-down menu and opt for the "Delete Selected" option, as illustrated in the provided image.
  4. The chosen stage will be permanently removed from the system.

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Edit stage

To modify stage information within the system, please follow these steps:

  1. Locate and select the corresponding stage intended that you wish to edit.
  2. Choose the 'Edit' icon option from the menu.
  3. This action will open the Stage Edit Details page.
  4. Make the desired changes and save by clicking 'Save and Close'.

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Clone stage

To clone a stage, please follow these steps:

  1. Access the dropdown menu adjacent to the stage name.
  2. Choose the 'Clone' icon option from the menu.
  3. This action will initiate the stage cloning process.

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